Pour me reprendre en main ( !!!! ) ,
en cette aube vivante,
j'ai rangé et trié quelques bouquins, dans mes rayons.
Et j'ai décidé de
LIRE plus désormais !
Plusieurs textes, des romans, des docs, des essais, quelques uns en français, quelques uns en anglais, sont là, tout prêts à m'emmener au bout de la Terre, ou au fond des Ames ...
Let's go, Maryse !
Read !
I decide to read more, during this year, every day and everywhere, while it's raining, after gardening, after cooking, before ironing, while waiting my grand-sons, when the sun is high, when the clouds are low ...
Not because it's necessary, but because I like it ( did I forget ? ) and because I have found a lot of nice books here on my shelves.
So, why wouldn't I read more ? It's better to do what you like, when you can , isn't it ?
My new motto is : Read, read, read !
So, I go and begin right now !
First novel : ON CHESIL BEACH , - by Ian Mc Ewan - which Claire left here that last Summer. I'll tell you then my opinion on it, if I have one .
( On the photo below another book by Ian Mc Ewan ) Read, read !