25 janv. 2009

Small lights at his feet

My grand-son Tao has spent almost the whole day with his Heelys under his feet.

The rolling-lights were very funny.
The photos I did are strange :

(I suppose it's because of some inadequacy in my camera)

In the corridor of the house

Through the main part of my garage

On this next one we can see (feebly) Tao twice !

When we went to the cinema Tao was even on his rolling lights.

My appreciation about the film : very good. We have both enjoyed it.

Yes, I have too !

19 janv. 2009

18 janv. 2009

Billy Elliot

That last week I have loved to see the DVD that I received from Claire for Christmas : Billy Elliot .

I have enjoyed very much watching it. Twice and more.

I feel the story full of courage, sincerity, and desire.

As the pictures went by, I was more and more admirative.

The very last scene impressed me overall. When Billy is a dancing young adult, when he is said " Your family are here", when his father has tears in his eyes, when the other young dancers stretch out the neck to see his flight on the stage. I realised how our emotion has been growing all along the whole story to make us cry with relief and approval at this last instant.

Thanks, artists, you make us happy to live in your time .

Viva Espana

Spécialement pour Gérard, amoureux d'Espagne, - même son GPS parle espagnol ! - ces quelques photos.
A gauche, Dali. A droite : Santiago el Grande
et ci-dessous : Rose meditative.
Ici , Barcelona - La Rambla

17 janv. 2009

un saludo amistoso!!!!

Helo Maryse!!!!!!

Hace unos dias he recibido tu invitacion a tu blog,lleno de imagenes y de comentarios, te lo agradezco.Eso es un intento de mi parte y no sé si vas a recibir este mail.Contestame para saber si lo has recibido.

Un abrazo. Gerard

4 janv. 2009

Déjà le 4/01 du 09 !

Il a fait très beau ce matin à Ucel ! Du soleil sur les rivières, du bleu au dessus des montagnes.

Very fine weather today at Ucel. Sunlight on the rivers and blue sky over the mountains.

Il y a eu quand même moins 6°C cette nuit dans le jardin. L'eau de ma petite mare est restée gelée toute la journée. (Alors que je suis en train d'en créer une 2ème, juste derrière la 1ère, comme vous le voyez.) J'espère que les grenouilles sont bien à l'abri, dans la terre ou sous le tas de bois. Et j'espère qu'il ne va pas geler encore plus dans les semaines à venir, ce serait fatal pour les mimosas ...

With -6°C last night, the water in my little pond was frozen over, and the ice lasted all day long. On the photos, the ones of you who know my garden can see that I'm creating a second small pond, just beside the first one. I want the frogs to have more space during Summer.

What's the weather like, these days, in Kent or around New-York, or in Argentina , or in Romania ?
Has anyone some season photos ?
Could Teddy share with us a view of her favourite beach when walking with Andy and Mango ?

2 janv. 2009

Les bonnes résolutions !

Pour me reprendre en main ( !!!! ) ,

en cette aube vivante,

j'ai rangé et trié quelques bouquins, dans mes rayons.

Et j'ai décidé de LIRE plus désormais !

Plusieurs textes, des romans, des docs, des essais, quelques uns en français, quelques uns en anglais, sont là, tout prêts à m'emmener au bout de la Terre, ou au fond des Ames ...

Let's go, Maryse !

Read !

I decide to read more, during this year, every day and everywhere, while it's raining, after gardening, after cooking, before ironing, while waiting my grand-sons, when the sun is high, when the clouds are low ...

Not because it's necessary, but because I like it ( did I forget ? ) and because I have found a lot of nice books here on my shelves.

So, why wouldn't I read more ? It's better to do what you like, when you can , isn't it ?

My new motto is : Read, read, read !

So, I go and begin right now !

First novel : ON CHESIL BEACH , - by Ian Mc Ewan - which Claire left here that last Summer. I'll tell you then my opinion on it, if I have one .

( On the photo below another book by Ian Mc Ewan )

Read, read !