25 janv. 2009

Small lights at his feet

My grand-son Tao has spent almost the whole day with his Heelys under his feet.

The rolling-lights were very funny.
The photos I did are strange :

(I suppose it's because of some inadequacy in my camera)

In the corridor of the house

Through the main part of my garage

On this next one we can see (feebly) Tao twice !

When we went to the cinema Tao was even on his rolling lights.

My appreciation about the film : very good. We have both enjoyed it.

Yes, I have too !

3 commentaires:

Roland COMTE a dit…

These photographs are great. I love them.

Roland COMTE a dit…

Did you see "Dark Heart" ? It's an inteesting movie to go and see with a child.

Roland COMTE a dit…

Excuse-me the title of the movie is "Ink Heart" (Coeur d'encre).